Corporate Partner Riviera Wellbeing January Newsletter - Multilingual Therapists and the Wellbeing Window

Welcome to the January 2022 Newsletter

Multilingual Therapists Join Riviera Wellbeing

I am happy to announce that Riviera Wellbeing has added two new therapists to the team. Therapy is now available to individuals and couples in English, Italian and French speaking languages.

Plans are in place to add therapists who are German, Spanish and Russian speakers. The French Riviera is home to a diverse population and these new hires recognise the region's diversity. It also recognises the explosion in demand for mental health services especially since the pandemic.

Riviera Wellbeing also intends to launch a low-cost therapy service in 2022 in line with the organisation’s philosophy that people at all income levels deserve the same access to the same therapy.

Tiga-Rose Nercessian and Sandra Vasiljevic Berset will initially work online. An increasing number of clients want to have therapy from the privacy and comfort of their homes. Research now supports online therapy is as effective as face-to-face and, in some circumstances, can be more effective.

I also hope we will expand our couples wellbeing services later this year.  More couples are coming to therapy not because something is missing but because they want more. More intimacy.  More fun.  More sex.  And why not?  This is relationship enhancement not crisis management.

In addition to our couples therapy, Riviera Wellbeing already offers couples intensives where couples come either on their own or in a small group and spend two-days with two therapists and transform the intimacy and quality of their love relationship. We take our cars in for a regular check-up, why not our relationships? Relationship enhancement and management are key to our wellbeing.

Please contact Gavin to discuss our couples wellbeing program.

Wellbeing Window
As a reminder, on the first Wednesday of the month at 09:00 (CET), I share the therapy couch with The Full English Breakfast show presenters Rob Harrison and Sarah Lycett on 106.5FM Riviera Radio.

The“Wellbeing Window”presents an opportunity for us to discuss issues related to mental health and emotional wellbeing. Tune in on the first Wednesday of the month at 09:00 CET to Riviera Radio 106.5 FM. We invite listeners to write in with any questions on the topic and I attempt to answer them on air.

Below is the podcast from January broadcast,"Healthy Boundaries/Healthy Relationships. All the shows can be found on mywebsite.

As you will see below, the next show is on February 2nd and the topic is "Living or Working With A Narcissist."