Savills Monaco and French Riviera Sponsor the First Good Life Wellness Day Event in Monaco

The first inaugural ‘Good Life’ wellness day event took place at the Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel in Monaco, with a waitlist the same size as the list of 94 attendees that were lucky enough to secure themselves a spot. Savills Monaco and French Riviera saw the sponsorship of this event as a great way to vocally show how the company supports wellness both in the workplace and within the home and also as a way to support an event helping the local community.

The day was hosted by Gavin Sharpe of Riviera Wellbeing, a local therapy centre and Dufflyn Lammers an addiction and relationship coach, originally from the USA but now living in Paris. From the off the event was fun and lively, with high levels of audience participation which reflected the good rapport the hosts had with the attendees.

Throughout the day there were various lectures on wellness areas such as discovering your authentic self, your relationship with money, love and problem behaviours. There was also an incredible workshop which developed a sense of self-awareness.

The cherry on top of the cake was that all proceeds of the event were dedicated to Child CARE Monaco. Money that will be used for new projects they are developing in south India.